mindset matters
Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? 🤔
When times are hard, can you remember the good times? 🧐
Mindset matters. How you frame the world is the difference between a thankful heart and being brokenhearted.
So, I'm reminding myself today of some of the things I am thankful for from 2021. This list is definitely not all inclusive, but it highlights something. The little things matter as much as the big ones. When you collectively bring all of them together, my heart is filled with pure joy and abundance.
I'm thankful for...
💙moments with my boys
💙sunsets from the summer
💙morning walks on the path
💙my Thursday Tunes facebook livestream
💙working with an amazing team at Bryllyant
💙so many new connections/relationships developed here on LinkedIn
While I could go on and on and on, this is the start of the energy and intention in my heart to ensure that I am seeing the glass half full and remembering the good times. Will you join me?