Living in the present moment we allow beauty to unfold authentically and without judgment or preconceived ideas.
artist statement
As an empath, I experience energy everywhere around me. From moments in time and sensory sensations, I translate these expressions onto the canvas in my art.
In the context of the society in which we live where end goals and marks of success are celebrated and glamorized, it is easy to be seduced into chasing an end point of some idealized visual on a canvas. In doing so, there is a grave danger of losing the beauty that exists in the present moment. There is wonder that can be found when we let patience be our guide and follow intuitive flow.
I look to study and explore the practice of patience in my work sometimes breaking a piece down into many small component parts. Suspending judgement and creating with an open and free spirit, I look to explore how process itself ultimately translates into something beautifully interconnected without planning or prescribing those connections. It is in practicing patience that we can come to see the beauty that is bigger than the sum of its parts.

manifest your dreams with art
essence series
i seek to express the sensory feelings of being in a specific moment in time and space, fully present and keenly aware.